The Celestial Earth is providing full-service support in the areas of economic and policy analysis in the areas of natural resource conservation and management and sustainable development. TCE’s domain expertise ranges between energy to water and ecosystem and biodiversity conservation followed by cross-cutting issues like climate change mitigation and adaptation policies, sustainable urban development, transportation, and industrial policies for clean and green growth. The Celestial Earth is also providing services towards data analytics in the domain of sustainable development. TCE’s in-house analytical tool is based on state-of-the-art data analysis techniques which provides deep insight into the policy impacts in the economy under different policy scenarios in the public policy domain. TCE also provides training and capacity building to the spectrum of stakeholders including college and university students, mid to senior-level government officials, and policymakers in the area of energy and environmental planning and policy. TCE’s data and modeling services are based on the open-source platform which provides free access to major data and analytical services for policy analysis at the national and sub-national levels.
In today’s world availability, conservation and management of resources for balanced growth and development is extremely critical. There are many different types of resources required for economic activities and an integrated approach for analysing them is essential indeed. TCE is mainly dealing with the following four major areas of policy work in India and other parts of the developing world.
Provide comprehensive policy analysis and solution for efficient resource utilization and conservation leading towards sustainable resource planning and development. An integrated modelling solution is created to address the issues of resource scarcity and conflict of use followed by the impacts of climate change to achieve the overall goals of SDGs and others.
Provide comprehensive policy analysis and solution for conservation and management of ecosystem and biodiversity of the county following various domestic and international treaties and protocols. Valuation of ecosystems and accounting of natural resources are the key areas of work of TCE.
Provide comprehensive policy analysis and solution towards various mitigation and adaptation issues in the developing world. TCE’s advance mitigation policy analysis tool is based on mathematical models and supported by strong data analysis method which provides state-of-the-art policy solutions and recommendations for national or sub-national mitigation measures.
Provide comprehensive policy analysis and solutions towards various sustainable development goals and objectives of the countries especially related to energy, water, land-use, ecosystem and biodiversity, climate change. TCE’s advance macroeconomic modelling tool is capable of assessing the policy impacts on the SDG goals and objectives and deriving the roadmaps of achieving them successfully. TCE’s SDG financing and investment analysis tool is a unique methodology for identifying the gaps and demand for investment in various sectors of the economy which can help the country to achieve the SDG and NDC targets.
Celestial Earth Development Council (CEDC):
Refer to the website for further details:
Policy research is incomplete if the research output is not analyzed and interpreted in a meaningful manner. Use of data science and its application through various analytics is, therefore, an important parameter for the success of the policy work. TCE uses its own data analytics platform for interpretation and visualization of the outcomes of the complex modelling exercise related to policy interventions. TCE’s data analytics platform uses the latest analytical tools and techniques and her own decision support tool which is an advance dynamic tool for representation of various systems level modelling results.